The Conveyancing Foundation donates £1000.00 to Gig Buddies

Convey Law employee, Iwan Good ran Cardiff Half Marathon on the 27 March 2022, to raise funds for Gig Buddies. To support Iwan, a £1,000.00 donation was made using the funds raised via Conveyancing Foundations’ Charity Lotto.
Gig Buddies is a project that pairs up people with and without learning disabilities (and/or autism) to be friends and to go to events together. Kai Jones, Gig Buddies, said:

“Your donation will have a really positive impact on the work we do at Gig Buddies. Our project tackles loneliness and creates new friendships by pairing up adults with and without learning disabilities and/or autism who share the same interests, and supporting them to attend live events together. We are a small project always aiming to do big things, and I can speak on behalf of the whole Gig Buddies team by saying your donation is greatly appreciated! We are also really thankful to Iwan for running and fundraising for Gig Buddies.”

The Conveyancing Foundation can be contacted for further information on setting up a Charity Lotto at or 01633 261794. 

May 25, 2022