Industry Surveys

Conveyancing Foundation’s “Be Kind We Care” initiative continues with revolutionary industry-wide surveys. Our completed Wellbeing at Work Survey sheds light on professionals’ wellbeing and challenges in the property industry, guiding us to create a brighter future. Our next survey will be ‘Conveyancer Capacities’ launching in September with Morale Solutions.

Everyone in the property industry is encouraged to complete the surveys, the results of which will be dissected and used to develop blueprints for what constitutes industry best practice.

Download our Survey Results Brochure

Discover the findings of our comprehensive “Wellbeing at Work” survey in the property industry. Download our survey results brochure and gain valuable insights into the challenges and opportunities for improving workplace happiness.

Learn about the self-reported levels of mental health, the importance of flexible working arrangements, and the need for increased mental health support. Join us in revolutionising the property industry’s approach to wellbeing at work.

Conveyancer Capacities Survey – Coming Soon in 2024!

We are delighted to announce that our next “Be Kind We Care” industry survey is on the horizon! In September, we will be launching our “Conveyancer Capacities” survey in collaboration with Morale Solutions.

This survey aims to explore the capabilities and challenges faced by conveyancers in the property industry. Your valuable input will play a crucial role in shaping a healthier and more efficient work environment.

Stay tuned for the exciting launch of this survey, and be a part of the positive change in the property industry!